Monday, October 2, 2017

Writing Dialogue - Day 1

On Friday we watched several examples of great dialogue scenes from films. We created this list of qualities of a dialogue:

  • Moves scene / story forward
  • Sets / resolves problems or conflicts
  • Predictable / not 
  • Language - profanity, word choice
  • Emotions
  • Tempo / pace
  • Power - who has it / wants it / how does it shift?
  • Actions / Reactions
  • Intensity
  • Creates / relieves tension
  • Humor - variety of types

Today we'll start writing dialogues of our own. We'll all start out with the same starting line:

"You only heard one person's side. You don't know the truth."

Then, before you start writing your dialogue, name these things:
  • Setting - where does your scene take place?
  • Characters - choose two people for your scene. Who are they? What is the relationship between them? What is their role in the dialogue - are they trying to find out / hide something? Do they have power? Why do they care?
  • What will your dialogue do?
    • Create suspense? Resolve it?
    • Move the story forward? Summarize what happened up to this point?
    • Reveal a character's thoughts?
    • Create a sense of time and place - context?
You will use this handout to create your dialogue. Please follow the directions and upload it to by the end of the period. Tomorrow we will read each other's dialogues and continue to work on them.

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