Friday, November 10, 2017

Expert Language - your turn!

This week we've been exploring "expert language" by writing some of our own pieces and reading examples of essays by contemporary authors.

Now it is your turn!  The goal is to think about an area of expertise you have - something important to you and you have a lot of vocabulary at your disposal to describe. Then, to craft that into a short essay / memoir that both is and isn't about that subject. Just like we saw yesterday, an essay about oranges can be about powerful questions about modern society, and an essay about playing pool can be about finding one's identity and a sense of belonging.  What will your essay also be about?

Your one (or more) page essay / memoir is due by the start of class on Monday to  My goal is for you to share these with each other in class that day - keep that in mind as you are writing!

If you would like to read another example, here are a few of my favorites:

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