Monday, November 27, 2017

Independent Projects - Launch Day!

Greetings! Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!

On Tuesday, with a few of your grandparents, we wrote these poems:
Today, we will start the independent work you'll focus on for the next three weeks. I'll give you a more formal write-up of the project later in the week, but here is the essence of it: 
  1. You will choose a type of writing to explore / to learn about / to practice / to revise / to create a final portfolio. Some options include:
    1. Children’s literature
    2. Reviews (food, movie, music, etc.)
    3. Criticism - critical commentary on a topic or issue
    4. Journalism - reportage, opinion pieces, new analysis, etc.
    5. Biography - this might include interviews, research
    6. Spoken word poetry / Storytelling - pieces specifically meant to be performed / shared aloud
    7. Scripts - movie, tv, theater (an extension of our earlier dialogue work)
    8. Blogging
    9. Fan fiction
    10. Song lyrics
    11. Fiction - short story, vignette, novella, short short fiction, etc.
    12. Poetry - any form
    13. Non-fiction - creative essay
    14. Memoir
    15. (whatever you want!)
  2. You will spend time over the next two days gathering examples of the type of writing you're going to work with for this project. You might want to read through a variety of different ones to help you figure out what you want to do!
  3. Write a proposal. This is due by the end of class on Friday. In your proposal, you will include:
    1. The genre of your focus
    2. Three (or more) examples of works in this genre - look for both famous / well-known examples as well as lesser-known / smaller scale ones.
    3. For each of these three (or more) pieces you will write a commentary, explaining: 
      1. What works / doesn't work about it?
      2. What is inspiring about it?
      3. Something it does that you want to be able to do / something it does that you want to be sure not to do
      4. The questions / issues / concerns it raises for you as a writer
    4. What you want to accomplish
      1. How many pieces? How long will they be? What format will they be in?
  4. We will then conference about your proposal and negotiate terms for the final portfolio you'll submit.
  5. You'll have class time over the next few weeks to work on and complete your project!

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